Getting ready

In preparation of the European Researchers Night (ERN) we carried out many activities and pre-events with the BlueNIGHTs project to raise awareness about the local BlueNightS events (in September 2022 and 2023), which aimed to strengthen the link between marine researchers and the territory where they live in several cities in different sea-basins.
Every year partners of the BlueNIGHTS project have organized many exciting pre-events in collaboration with local stakeholders, starting in late spring with many of the activities concentrated in August-September. Their purpose was to: i) raise awareness of the public about ERN and promoting the participation to the main event of September; ii) offer to the public different ways to meet and interact with researchers, within different contexts and with different degrees of involvement during the all duration of the project.
Check out the programs of the pre-events carried out in 2022 and 2023 editions and browse through inspiring examples in each category!
Science & Coffee
A series of scientific cafés on different oceanic topics were organised by researchers in the late afternoon in several cities involved in the project, hosted in one or more public places such as cafés and cultural centres, and in collaboration with local stakeholders.
BlueScience meet BlueSchools
Researchers from all partner institutions met pupils and teachers in and outside schools. The researchers acted as ERN ‘Ocean Ambassadors’ and as promoters of sustainable ocean use. For more details on this initiative visit the SCHOOL page
Walking on the Sea Traces
A series of guided tours on different ocean topics have been organised at different locations in each RSA and led by researchers in collaboration with local stakeholders. Thus, visitors were able to visit research vessels and aquariums (e.g. Finland, France, and Malta), coastal and inland areas (e.g. Romania and Italy), festivals and fairs (e.g. Malta), historical centres (e.g. Italy).
Find out some example of guided tours
Did you participate in a pre-event?
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Why become Ocean Literate?
- A series of training courses for school teachers, held by researchers and experts, have been organised by the various partners in cooperation with local stakeholders. The aim was to introduce teachers in general to the world of research and science communication, and in particular to ocean literacy and marine science topics in to enable them to acquire the necessary skills to incorporate ocean literacy into their school curricula.
A Window on Another Sea
Some interactive video installations were installed at the premises of some partners showing the different EU RSAs and local seascapes, with videos created by each partner on the seafront of their city, or inside their structure or in the water to create connections between RSAs involved in BlueNIGHTs.
Let’s see our WINDOWS
Tell Me of your marine Waters at Home
An artistic/photographic competition proposed to illustrate the local characteristics of the “marine environment” near home, with sections dedicated to: schools, professional photographers, researchers and the general public. The works of art were voted by experts as well as by the public through the social media.
Let’s explore the winning works.
Why marine science matter for ocean conservation?
To promote a Blue sensitivity in the new generations and understand how much the pupils Europeans aged between 10 and 20 know about the marine sciences and the protection of the oceans, a photography competition dedicated to exploring this link was organized.
Let’s explore the winning works.