Tell Me of Your Water at Home

From the deep sea to the clouds, we are all connected to water, concretely or ideally. With this first edition of the competition, we would like to stimulate a reflection on people’s relationship with the most used and best known natural element, often the subject of scientific research, and increasingly rare and precious.
By sharing a concept, an image or a dream we would like to discover your way of relating to water, bringing out a current and at the same time creative vision of YOUR water.
in collaboration with

The BlueNIGHTs consortium and the Association Flegrea PHOTO, as Contest Coordinators, announce what was determined by the Popular Vote and the Jury of the Competition, as per the Rules:
Mariateresa IMPARATO | President of Legambiente Campania
Mauro CACCAVALE | Rappresentative of the BlueNIGHTs consortium and researcher of CNR-ISMAR.
Francesco SORANNO | President of Flegrea PHOTO Association
The theme | Water | The sea water or rivers and lakes, water as a matter of cohesion from land to people that are far apart | you can start from an item that you see every day and use it to express your vision and how you feel connected to this element.
On Tuesday 23. 05.2023, the Jury of the Competition met and, having verified the regularity of the phase of acquisition of the works received, which ended on 30.04.2023, followed by the “popular vote” implemented on social networks from 05.05 to 25.05.2023 as per the Rules, established and determined the following:
1 | PHOTOGRAPHY section, no. 88 photos were received from no. 37 participants (no. 1 photo excluded as it contained a graphic overlay, in violation of art. 3 of the regulations); VIDEO section, no. 2 works were received from no. 2 participants (both excluded as they contained graphic overlays); attached is a summary list of authors/works received
As per the regulations, prizes will be awarded with a certificate of participation and a professional print of the selected photo in the following categories (or an image taken from the video for the video sections)
- best photo determined by the Jury;
- best video determined by the Jury;
- most voted photo on social media;
- most voted video on social media;
- special mention of the Jury;
as no videos were received that were eligible for the competition, the Jury unanimously decided to convert categories 2 and 4 respectively into: other photo most voted for on social + second special mention of the Juryin addition, given the high communicative value of the proposed projects, the Jury unanimously decided to award a special mention out of competition to the two most significant projects.
2 | all of the above, the Jury unanimously came to the following determinations:
POPULAR VOTING: the photographs by
Maria Rosaria BAGNATO and Giuseppe MAIONE
Salvatore SEPE | photography: bosco San Silvestro (CE), the supply of water is vital for the survival of these bees, queens of biodiversity
special mention for the authors who distinguished themselves for the quality of the works presented:
Mariana BATTISTA | photography: curves of life, seeing beyond water as a source of life is the new way of looking at the future
Lucia MONTANARO | photography: like dolls set aside by badly brought up children. Women, men, children forgotten, harassed, crumpled by a life that does not give discounts. Migrants.
mentions for projects of particular relevance and significance submitted by the authors
Ines DI BIASIO | project “the girl stands on a beach, surrounded by the sound of waves crashing on the sand and the sweet salty scent of the sea. She sits with her legs crossed, hugging her favourite book, but her mind is elsewhere. He looks at the horizon, the thin line separating the sky from the sea. He takes a good look at this sea and realises that it is his only cure’.
Enza SOLA | project “Water, primordial element, source and fount of life, regenerates, transforms, always returns in new forms. Small, in a drop it excavates the surface and moulds it, in silence, with patience it smooths, adapts and mutates it. As subtle as rain, it fertilises the earth and gives it life or death. In its mirrors, it reflects images of moments already past. Shapes, shadows and colours of an imperfect world, which exists sometimes outside, sometimes inside each of us. No matter whether it is sea, river, dew, snow, clouds or hail, where it comes from and where it is headed, water with its languages, speaks through its changes, its expressions in nature, its perpetual motion. Incessant, it adapts to the fluidity of the things it flows through, which it fills, which it occupies, and over the millennia it endures, unchanging, even to this day”.
The Jury decizion, once official, it is unquestionable | the winners will be announced on the official website of the BlueNIGHTs project (, and on the official social media accounts of the project ( also on the Flegrea PHOTO official website (
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