Bluenights 2022

In 2022, the European Researchers’ BlueNIGHTs presented experiments, hands-on activities, exhibitions and workshops directly in the different EU Regional Sea Areas’ (RSAs) venues, with webinars, games and quizzes shared also on the virtual platform.

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The first of the planned two BlueNIGHTs editions was organised on Friday, the 30th of September 2022 in six countries, Finland, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Romania. All the BlueNIGHTs were also connected via a dedicated online platform, so participants could ‘visit’ the different nights and see activities proposed in each of them.

The events took place in 13 cities in different RSAs: Venice, Trieste, Naples and Valletta for the Mediterranean RSA, Tulcea and Galati for the Black RSA, Helsinki for the Baltic RSA, Horta, Lisbon and Aveiro for the Atlantic RSA, Boulogne-sur-Mer for the English Channel/North RSA, Strasbourg and Bologna for the inland areas.


In Finland the EU Blue Researchers’ Night was organised in Helsinki at the City Hall. The event was open to the public from 14h00 to 18h00 (CET). Several activities were organised by SYKE, together with the local partners, City of Helsinki, Rotary Club and Baltic Sea Action Group.


In France, the BlueNIGHTs were organised from 16h00 to 22h00 (CET) at two different locations, namely Boulogne-sur-Mer and Strasbourg. The partners responsible for the events were Nausicaá (in Boulogne-sur-Mer), ACTEON and HOLO3 (in Strasbourg). At the aquarium, Nausicaá organised a main event called “The Ocean and its mysteries” with informal talks with local scientists to discover the world of the marine researchers, the work in different geographical contexts, to discuss about the gender, and a science fair, with hands-on activities and sciences. In Strasbourg, ACTeon with HOLO3 organised a series of different activities such as scientific cafés, games, virtual reality experiences and workshops.


In Italy, the BlueNIGHTs events were organised by CNR at four different locations, Venice, Bologna, Trieste, and Naples. In collaboration with other ERN projects (SOCIETY riPENSAci, SHARPER, NET, S.T.R.E.E.T.S., VenetoNight). The first events started already at 10h00 and the last ended at 23h00 (CET). In Venice, the CNR organised several activities that took in place at CNR-ISMAR Headquarters and at the Museum of Natural History, in cooperation with DVRI. In Naples, the CNR-ISMAR researchers were present at the Federico II University Campus, in Bologna at the new “Lucio Dalla” Square, and in Trieste at the Immaginario Scientifico Science Center in the Old Harbour.


In Malta, the BlueNIGHTs was organised by the University of Malta at the National War Museum, in Fort St. Elmo, Valletta from 18h00 to 23h00 (CET), within the framework of the event named “Science in the City” in collaboration with several Maltese institutions and local stakeholders.


In Portugal, the BlueNIGHTs took place at three different locations, i.e., Horta (Faial Island, Azores), Lisbon and Torreira. The first events started at 11h00 and the last was concluded at 23h30 (CET). In Horta and Lisbon, ASPEA organised hands-on activity, workshops, talks, games, demonstration, game, and workshops. In Torreira, the venue was the Shipyard Museum and the surrounding park where the researchers of the University of Aveiro offered to the public science, music activities, demonstrations, science shows, installations, and informal talks.


In Romania, the INCDDD organised the event in person in Tulcea and the virtual one in Galati.  The event ran from 9h00 till 17h00 (CET). Activities consisted in conference, presentation and debates with researchers on several topics linked to the Danube Delta environment and Black Sea ecosystem.

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